Published – 25th October 1991 (approx)
Pages – 4 (A5 B&W)
Featured Article
Things are really moving now for Loft Groover, his name’s on every flyer and with a Saturday night residency at The Rocket, he’s had no choice but to give up his day job at Dancefloor Records. We interviewed him to try to find out why he’s only now getting the attention he deserves.
R.S. What led you into house music?
L.G. House itself, I listened to Jazz and Blues when I was a kid, because that’s what I heard at home, and then I got heavily into pop. I heard some house before it really started here, on tapes a friend in America sent me, but then one Tuesday night I tumed on the radio and Jazzy M was playing House — I just thought that this 1s what I’ve been waiting for. So I sold all my Jazz and Soul records and now I’ve got a loft room full of House records.
R.S. Is that where your name comes from?
L.G. No, I’ve always had it because since I was a kid cos I’ve always had a room at the top of the House. Even now my bedroom’s an attic room.
R.S. How did you get started as a D.J.?
L.G. I started by mixing some tapes to take on holiday with a friend called Dave, and then we were thrown in the deep end and given our first job in the West End with Danny Rampling and in those days he was The Man. Then I started doing Carwash with Fabio and Grooverider. They used to warm up for me. I used to get such a good response that I turned down the small gigs, waiting for the big ones. 18 months later I was still waiting. I got shocked into pushing myself forward more when I saw a video of Fabio and Grooverider and realised that they were top of the heap.
You have to push yourself in this business because there is a lot of bitchiness between D.J.s which makes it harder to get started. You have to keep improving too. The best buzz I get is when the people stop and can’t believe what they’re hearing. Anybody can play all the commercial House and keep them dancing all night. It’s a bit harder to blow their minds. Commercial house just isn’t my style. I could probably have got where I am now a lot quicker by sticking to the same tunes that everyone else plays but I feel that if 6 D.J.’s are playing in a night, then there should be 6 different types of House for the different stages of the night. Its taking the piss if you hear the same record 6 times at the same rave!
R.S. Where do you get your records from?
L.G. I buy most of my records in Southend and Reading. They keep a box for me of all the new stuff that comes into the country and I listen to it all every week. I go over to Belgium most weeks and pick up stuff there, but I’m more into Bntish and American now.
R.S. What do you see yourself doing in a years time?
L.G. Still playing, but spending more time in the studio. I’ve done 3 tracks. One just last week that’s going to press in a few days. I do it just for the fun of it!
- Inner Power Dance Studio, Wonderland Arena, London E5
- QBass “Dancin’ People” Suburban Base Records
- Elevation and Volatile State presents Showtime 91 – Wonderland Arena, London E5
- Chillin FM 98.0

Rave Listings
- Cryptonite (Fluid Motion) Friday 8th November. Mildenhall Speedway Stadium
- Energetic Weekender (Lion Promotions) 25th-27th October. Pontins, Hemsby, Norfolk
- Raindance Saturday 2nd November. Jenkins Lane, Becton
- Halloween Madness (Psycology) Friday 1st November. Wonderland Arena, London E5
- The 1st International Bug Ball (Live & Yikes) 9th-10th November. Starcoast World, North Wales
- Mutiny (Floating Promotions) 15th November
- Kaos 5 (Live Wire) 15th-17th November. Camber, Sussex
- Moon Based Rave (Space Promotions Priv) Friday 25th October. Sheffield City Hall
- The Main Event 2 (Live Wire) 1st-3rd November. Camber Sands, Sussex
- Showtime ’91 (Elevation & Volatile) Saturday 2nd November. Wonderland Arena, London E5
- A New Dimension (Ektos) Friday 8th November. Diddenum Farm, Grazely
- Rush (GB Productions) Saturday 26th October. Ashwin Street, London E8
- The Baby Shrine Saturday 2nd November. Too-to’s Frating Nr Colchester
- Gravey Train (Camp Pink) November 15th-17th. Skegness Sands