How To Make Music Like – Michael Bibi (Part 4 – CAPONNE)

Ableton Tutorial 2 : Como fazer um drop estilo Michael Bibi & Pawsa do zero

It’s a small channel with just 3 videos and 110 subscribers, but this particular video has had 3,333 views since its release in March 2020 so it’s worth looking it. CAPONNE offers up 16 bars of his take on how to make a track like Michael Bibi & Pawsa, and whilst there is more than what Julien offers in many of his videos, it’s not really sufficiently in depth enough to be much use – especially as stuttered rap vocals aren’t what I’d consider to be synonymous with Michael Bibi. That being said, let’s dive in.

What we are prestented with here is a standard 4/4 kick pattern with the obligatory skippy extra hits at the end of each 2nd bar. The bassline is unusually very simple and CAPONNE relies on the hats and tambourine mostly for the groove. One real positive I picked up from this was his use of a stuttered white noise effect at the start of each 8 bar segment. I’d not seen or noticed that before, and then I saw it again a few days later being used by James Hype in one of his remix videos (this one I think), so I had to use that in my track.

Here is my track based on what CAPONNE was doing;

The main takeaway here is that I thought this was more Dennis Cruz than Michael Bibi so I used his track My Fellas as and inspiration. I couldn’t find a good rap vocal to sit with the drums I’d created and then Sir Mix-A-Lot turned up in a search of popular TikTok music. The decision made itself, even though it’s been used thousands of times before.

stuttered white noise

I kept the bassline simple and focused on using percussive hits to provide groove and variation, including using the stuttered white noise. For the previous 3 tracks I went with the skippy drums, but here I stuck firmly with a standard 4/4 pattern.

To keep the track in keeping with sound of Dennis Cruz I purchased his sample pack from It’s not a great pack to be honest and you’re probably better off spending your £15.99 elsewhere.

Here is the full arrangement of my track – it looks fairly complex at first glance, but it’s mostly different percussive fills dotted around to create variation.

Full arrangement

Four down and plenty more to go! The next one will be Sai Lika – Making Tech House sound like Michael Bibi – Ableton 10 Free Template

If you’re reading this and want to hear the previous 3 tracks I’ve made, then I have a playlist on youtube that groups everything I’ve made so far together – you can find that here.

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